Globally minded.
Locally rooted.
Let us start in the beginning.
We’ve got deep roots. In 1959 our first members got together and worshiped in Maitland’s Civic center. A simple expression of Christian fellowship that grew to the point where in September of 1960, the doors of our historic lake-side sanctuary opened up for the first time.
Over time, a couple other buildings were added on, but the mission stays the same. To serve the Maitland community through the city’s development & growth.
While we may still have our “old school” building style, we are nonetheless committed to keeping our doors open to welcome anyone who simply needs a place to belong, ask tough questions, or take a break from all the busyness of life. By embracing our history, living in the present, and keeping an eye toward the future, we hope to achieve and maintain a special balance of inter-generational love.
As a United Methodist Church (UMC), we also are part of a vast network. With 700+ other UMCs in the state alone and with connections to nearly 12 million others in over 120 countries around the world, we are able to band together and provide healing and love around the world in a capacity far greater than we could ever dream of as a single stand alone church.
Our heritage and connections to a greater network allows us to truly embrace a global mindset, while our immediate context keeps us rooted to our local friends and neighbors. We really strive to be a ministry that can spread love and healing across the globe just as much as in our own backyard.
Globally minded. Locally rooted.