“I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”
Domestic Opportunities
Red Bag Ministry
We’ve partnered with a local school in providing food to help local students in need here in Maitland.
Contact Gary Zimmerman: dzim52@aol.com
Family Promise
Partnering with homeless families and providing services while helping them get back on their feet.
Contact Teresa Scott : tkscottcpa@aol.com
Sharing Center
Generously providing essential resources to those in need while preserving & ensuring dignity.
Contact the church office @ #407-644-5222.
Asbury Blanketeers
Make blankets, pillowcases, and stuffed animals to take to children in local hospitals. Help show comforting love!
Contact the church office @ 407-644-5222.
Creation Care
Asbury is launching an Aluminum Can Recycling Program. 100% of the proceeds will be used to purchase Eco-friendly paper products for our kitchen.
Go to our Creation Care page to learn more.
Contact Linda Stevenson: lindamsteve@gmail.com
Coalition for the Homeless
Working to provide fresh warm meals to women & children in need.
Contact Carla Smith: kevcar67@gmail.com