Upcoming Events


Lenten Gathering

This year’s theme is “Hope Through Faith”. Hope by faith in not a vague wish or longing, as Christians, our “hope is a confident expectation anchored in trusting God. Because of our unfailing faith in God, we confidently trust in His promises and His plan over our lives.

Our speaker for Wenesday, March 26 is Jim Esch.

Everone is invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for this special hour. Lunch and beverages will be provided.

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Pot Luck and Guest Speaker

Join our guest speaker Kevin Chaplin, CEO of the AMY Foundation and the SA Ubuntu Foundation, for an inspiring conversation on Ubuntu. We will have a pot luck in our Fellowship Halll immediatley following th 11am service. The church will provide ham and beverages. Please bring a side dish to share.

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Church Wide Workday

Bring your rake, work gloves and shovel to our work day! Help us clean up our campus for the Easter holiday. Lunch will be provided by the United Methodist Men.

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Good Friday

Join us for a series of Scripture readings retelling the events of Jesus's final week, paired with dramatic music presented by the Asbury Worship Choir. Following each reading and song a candle will be extinguished to signify the end of Christ’s life on the cross.

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The Big Red Bus will be on our campus on Sunday, January, 12 from 9am - 2pm in our Fellowship Hall parking lot.

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Lenten Gathering

This year’s theme is “Hope Through Faith”. Hope by faith in not a vague wish or longing, as Christians, our “hope is a confident expectation anchored in trusting God. Because of our unfailing faith in God, we confidently trust in His promises and His plan over our lives.

Our speaker for Wenesday, March 5 is Dustin Aagard..

Everone is invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for this special hour. Lunch and beverages will be provided.

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The Big Red Bus will be on our campus on Sunday, January, 12 from 9am - 2pm in our Fellowship Hall parking lot.

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United Women in Faith Christmas Luncheon

Women in Faith Christmas Luncheon in our Fellowship Hall. All women are invited. Great opportunity to invite a friend.Bring you favorite covered dish to share.

Our Preschool children will be singing. Please RSVP to Cyd Frank at #407-497-9378.

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One Combined Service

Mark you calendars for our One Combined Service on Sunday, November 24 in the sanctuary! Join us immediately following the service for a potluck luncheon in our Fellowship Hall. Please bring a crock pot dish or dessert to share. We will furnish the fixings and drinks. Call the chruch office to let them know what you will be bringing.

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