We want to live life to our fullest potential.

Therefore, we came up with three key standards that we choose to live by to the best of our abilities.

  1. Seek daily Christ's way of life through prayer and Bible reading;

  2. Bear witness to this way in my daily work and all personal contacts through my words and actions;

  3. Engage in some definite Christian service by recognizing that I work in partnership with God in the stewardship of my life.

Check out ways to get involved!


Monthly Breakfast

The first Saturday of every month is an opportunity where we all come together for fellowship & a word from a guest speaker. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 1. Our speaker will be Reverend Durwood Foshee. We ask that you bring a small donation to cover food costs (if you can). We meet at 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Volunteer Projects

We believe it’s important to volunteer our resources however possible. A big part of that is with volunteer projects. Whether it be occasional workdays around the church, or yard work for someone in need, we are looking to serve others.