In-person Worship Announcement
Dear Asbury,
I am so excited to welcome you back to church for in person worship on September 27th at 9:30 and 11am! The leadership team and I want to thank you for your patience and faithful support as we continue to navigate the pandemic. Some members of the Asbury community are eager to return to worship in person and others would prefer to wait until they have taken the vaccine. Whatever you feel comfortable with, there are ways you can meaningfully connect with Asbury. We will continue to offer high quality live-streamed worship as well as in person worship opportunities at 9:30 and 11am. We are also already offering opportunities to connect in small groups via zoom and in person.
Our church reopening is a resurrection story. As we move forward together I am reminded of my favorite resurrection story, the one where Mary mistakes Jesus for a gardener. She did not recognize Jesus that first Easter morning (John 20:14-16). Maybe it was because Jesus looked different after He was resurrected, His body still bore the marks of the pain He had endured. It was only when Jesus said her name that she knew it was Him. We as a church are experiencing resurrection, yes we will return to worship and things will look different when we do. We will wear masks, practice social distancing, and have temperature checks in an effort to make the worship environment as safe as possible. If you would like more information on our safety protocols please visit the church website or Facebook page for more information.
We are an Easter people and we have claimed the hope of Easter in the midst of the difficulties of this season. When we gather together again for in person worship we will celebrate resurrection. Every Sunday is a mini Easter, Sunday September 27th will be much more than that!
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Mike Luzinski