Weekly Update// Pastor Will

Hi friends!

This week's email is short because we hope you will take a moment to read the information below about some restructuring of the Florida United Methodist Conference. While this will not go into effect until it is voted on in June, the basic premise is to go from 8 districts down to 6. This will allow the conference to allocate resources responsibly and efficiently to ensure the conference continues to operate at an optimal level. And I know I said I wasn’t going to say much, but I’m a Pastor

and I can’t help it.

This conversation has me thinking about stewardship. I think a lot of the time, when we talk about stewardship, the main focus is finances. However, there are many other areas where we can practice good stewardship. One example is our time. Are we making the best use of our time? That’s not to say we need to always be doing something and never resting, but rather prioritizing it to get the most out of

our time. Another area is being good stewards of the environment. In Jim Esch’s talk at the Lenten Gathering this week, he reminded me that when we are called to practice dominion over all of creation, it’s not to dominate it, but to work alongside it for the benefit of all. Lastly, I think about being stewards of our health. God has given us our bodies and also the responsibility to take care of them as best as we can! Since we have two little ones, Alicia and I do our best to practice good stewardship of our health to make sure that we are around to see them grow up! Okay, I’ll stop talking (typing) now!

Please join us this Saturday as Officer Holland from the Maitland Police Department comes and speaks to us about fraud and scam prevention. This is during the United Methodist Men’s Breakfast at 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall but is open to the whole congregation and more, so bring a friend! The following Saturday is a church campus clean-up day where we will really make our beautiful campus shine, especially for visitors during this Lent season. Lastly, the following Saturday is the Royal Tea Party put on by the United Women in Faith.

It’s free and will be at 11:45 in the Fellowship Hall. We’d love to have you join us!

This week in worship, Pastor Chris will continue in our series “Behind the Cross,” where this week he will be looking at Peter. Come join us if possible as we take a look at these characters that are part of the crucifixion story that culminates with a surprise on Easter Sunday :) but I don’t want to give any spoilers. Of course, both services will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Blessings and see you all then!

Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris