Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury family,

We’re almost halfway through our January/February message series called “Help My Unbelief.” In this series, we’re examining tough questions of faith. So far we’ve looked at the questions, Why are Christians hypocrites?, Is free will worth all the suffering?, and Isn’t the Bible full of myths? This week’s question has to do with prayer, Why would an all-powerful God require prayer?

I think you’ll agree that of all the activities of the Christian life, prayer is the most mysterious. Many, if not all of us, have questions surrounding prayer. My hope is that this message will address our questions and encourage us to lead deeper prayer lives.

I am sorry to report that due to the cold (cold for us Floridians anyway) weather forecast, the Asbury Young Couples and Families Picnic, which was scheduled for this Sunday, has been postponed until February 20. We promise to give more updates as we get closer to the event. In the meantime, bundle up and stay warm.

There’s lots going on at Asbury. Check out the bulletin this weekend for a list of upcoming events or simply call the church office.

See you Sunday!







Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Will