Weekly Update// Pastor Chris
Dear Asbury Family,
There was a little boy named Johnny who was sick on Palm Sunday. Consequently, he stayed home with his mother while the rest of the family attended service. When everyone returned home, Johnny’s dad was carrying a palm branch in his hand. Johnny was curious and asked, “What’s the palm branch for, dad?” His father said, “It’s for Jesus. You see, when Jesus came into town, everyone waved palm branches to honor him.” “Wouldn’t you know it,” Johnny fumed, “the one Sunday I miss church service, and Jesus shows up!”
I am convinced that Jesus is going to show up in a big way this Palm Sunday (April 10). Whatever your weekend plans are, I hope they include attending worship (in person or online) at either our 9:30am Contemporary/Celebration Service or 11am Traditional Service. There will be inspiring music, affectionate fellowship, and a message filled with hope. Trust me when I say you don’t want to miss out!
Additionally, you don’t want to miss out on the rest of our services for Holy Week and Easter. Listed below are all the service times. (Please note that, with the exception of Easter Sunrise and 8:15AM Traditional, all these services will be livestreamed.)
Maundy Thursday // April 14 (7PM in the Sanctuary)
Good Friday // April 15 (7PM in the Sanctuary)
Easter Sunday // April 17
6:30AM // Sunrise (Lakeside)
8:15AM // Traditional (Sanctuary)
9:30AM // Contemporary/Celebration (Fellowship Hall)
11AM // Traditional (Sanctuary)
I ask that you please pray for our staff and volunteers as we put together these services. There is no question that Holy Week and Easter is a busy time. However, this season is also sacred. To me, there is simply no greater honor than helping people realize the depth of God’s love, especially as that love was revealed through the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. I can’t wait to experience the sacredness of Holy Week and the joy of Easter with you in the coming days.
Please don’t forget about our upcoming District Gathering. The gathering will take place this Saturday (April 9) in the sanctuary from 9-11AM (it will not be livestreamed). Our District Superintendent, Bob Bushong, will lead us in that time. Bob will discuss the postponement of General Conference (the legislative body for the United Methodist Church) and the future of the United Methodist Church. I plan to be in attendance, and I invite you to be there as well.
Enjoy the rest of your week!