Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Hi friends!
What a week it has been! Or should I say weeks? The weeks that led up to Easter and Holy Week itself were incredible. As I reflect back on everything that took place, I find myself smiling. I’m even smiling as I write this out. The various services and gatherings made this year’s Lent season and Holy Week a memorable one. I know I’m a little biased on all of this because it’s my first year in congregational ministry, however, I still think it will be a tough one to top. I want to give a special thanks to all who were involved, who gave above and beyond to make this year special. I hope you will join me in thanking our wonderful staff and volunteers here at Asbury for all that they contributed during this season.
As Holy Week wraps up, do not forget that the journey continues. Not only in the scripture, but also in our own lives. This week in service, we will be looking at how Jesus shows up after the resurrection to his followers, has a meal with them, and offers them encouragement to keep going! I can certainly relate to this story, especially after you have been through so much like the disciples had. Their whole world had been turned upside down. It’s easy to feel defeated in those moments and even want to give up, but then Jesus shows up to offer encouragement to the disciples to keep going. It’s a wonderful story that I think we can all get behind, and I hope you’ll join us as we walk through it together!
Speaking of Sunday, we also have our Asbury Family Picnic at Maitland Community Park, from 12:30 - 2:30 pm. The address is 1400 Mayo Ave, Maitland, FL 32751. The staff is providing the main dish and drinks. The only thing we ask of you is to bring a side dish to share! It’s sure to be a great time where we get to celebrate the community, and also the family that Asbury offers to each and every one of us. No need to RSVP, just show up! Until then, we hope you all have a great weekend and we will hopefully see you on Sunday! Take care and God Bless!
Pastor Will