Weekly Update// Pastor Will

 Hi friends!
In this week’s email, I wanted to provide an insight into my thought process when writing and preaching a sermon. This thought process might only be unique to me, but I did want to share a little of what goes on!
When I prepare for a sermon, my initial process is to collect as much information as I can about the topic or subject. Of course, I will first find passages in the Bible that speak on the topic or subject, but I will also look to other sources including books, blogs, podcasts, or any other credible source that I trust. If it is a source or author I do not know much about, I will research to find out if it is worth putting my confidence into it. If it is not a topic-based sermon and I’m preaching on a specific text in the Bible, I will try to gain as much insight as possible from commentaries and other sources, including the ones previously mentioned.
After I’ve gained a fair amount of material off which to build my sermon, I’ll try to find common themes in my subject matter. That usually then gives me clarity in what direction I want to take my sermon. I write. I think. I erase. I write some more. I erase and re-write a lot. Eventually I get to a place where I feel like I have a good structure or skeleton. I’m able to even put some meat on the bones if you will. Then the last step is to smooth it all out. Make sure that each point flows well into the next, and even if it does not flow perfectly, at least find a way to coherently go from one to the next.
What this usually means is that there are things that will not make the cut, despite how good they are. It could be a really strong point or analogy or story; however, it would be too clunky to fit it in(the whole ‘round hole, square peg’ thing). I also might cut something even if it fits well because it might be a tad more than necessary. I had a mentor of mine describe it as cooking a meal. He said, “You might have the best ingredients in the world. Although you might want to use all your ingredients, save some for the next meal.” 

Thankfully, I am in a place where I hope to prepare a lot more ‘meals’ for you over the next few years. Some meals you might remember for some time. Others might get you through the day. I had a professor in seminary say they could preach a solid meatloaf sermon. A sermon that will provide nourishment, but you won’t rave about it. I personally love meatloaf and am excited anytime I can partake, but I received their point!
As some of you know from Pastor Chris’ email, this past week was a difficult one for me with the delaying of my commissioning. Despite the difficulty, what has been helpful is the support and encouragement I have received from so many of you. I have received texts, emails, phone calls and hugs, and to that, I cannot say thank you enough. I’m so blessed to be at Asbury and be a part of a family that loves me, as well as the whole staff. I truly say that from the bottom of my heart, so thank you!  

With all that, this weekend’s meal’ is the fifth part of our “Credo” series where Pastor Chris will be preaching on “The Forgiveness of Sins.” Based on the little appetizer he gave us the other day, I know it is going to be a great Sunday! I really hope you can join us for worship, both online and in-person at either our 9:30 am (contemporary/celebration) or 11:00 am (traditional) worship service!
God bless, and see you soon!
Pastor Will 






Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Will