Weekly Update// Pastor Chris
Dear Asbury Family,
Yesterday (February 22) was Ash Wednesday and thus the start of Lent. Lent is the 40-day period (excluding Sundays) leading into Easter. It’s common during the Lenten season for Christ-followers to “give something up” (i.e., chocolate, soda, coffee, etc.) This “giving up” is meant to mirror (obviously in a smaller way!) the sacrifice of Jesus as he went to the cross.
Since the beginning part of the year, I’ve been trying to take better care of my body (which, per 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, honors God). For Valentine’s Day, Amanda gifted me with a large canister so I can better track my daily water intake. It’s amazing how something as simple as drinking more water has infused me with energy. My plan for Lent is to give up all drinks other than water and coffee (I still need coffee to wake up in the morning!). I expect you as a congregation to hold me accountable toward this end. Just don’t be surprised if I also ask you what you’re giving up for Lent!
Speaking of Lent, we are starting a new sermon series called “24 Hours That Changed the World.” The series is based on a book of the same name by Adam Hamilton, who serves as the founding and lead pastor of Church of the Resurrection (located in the Kansas City metropolitan area), which is the largest United Methodist congregation in the United States. The series will primarily focus on the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. As the title says, these 24 hours changed the world. My prayer is that these messages will open our hearts and minds to wonder of Jesus’ sacrifice and the impact his sacrifice has on our lives (and eternities). The first message is going to focus on the events of the Last Supper. If you’d like to get a jump start, I encourage you to read Mark 14. By the way, at both services, we are welcoming in new members, which is always such a joy.
The last thing I want to mention is, because of your generosity, our church was able to send $4,045 to Bishop Juan de Dios Peña, who oversees Methodist churches in Latin America. I am continually amazed by the sacrificial giving of the people of Asbury. As a result of these funds, Bishop Juan will be able to travel to the United Kingdom. There he will receive training, which will help him as he empowers and equips leaders in Latin America to share the message of Jesus Christ with others. Thank you!
As always, there is a lot going on in the life of our church. I hope you’ll read the upcoming events page and find ways to get involved.
See you Sunday!