Weekly Update// Pastor Will

 Good Afternoon Church!

        Have you ever heard of the Sunday Scaries? I’ve only recently heard about them but essentially they are a feeling of anxiety or worry that comes on Sunday knowing you have to go to work the next day. Since Sunday is a big day in the church, I sometimes get what I’ve termed the Saturday Scaries. Now, it isn’t necessarily because I’m worried to go to church on Sunday morning, but more so feel like a bundle of nerves for all that needs to happen and get done on Sunday mornings. This past Saturday, since I had not been to church since my paternity leave, I had the Saturday Scaries pretty significantly. Would I remember all I had to do? Would people be excited to see me? Would they even remember me?! However, once I got to the church and received the warm reception that I did, all of that dissipated quickly. I know I sound like a broken record, but the love, support and care this church has shown me and my family have been incredible. The reception I received at both services is difficult to put into words. Further, to know that I am a part of a church that not only talks about caring for families but shows it through their actions, I think that says a lot about who we are. Amen? Amen!

        On the horizon, this coming week is Holy Week! Even though we’ve already had so many things going on, this week is exceptionally packed. This Saturday we have our United Methodist Men’s Breakfast at 7:30 AM with the head coach of Edgewater High School‘s football team as our guest speaker. Immediately following the breakfast at 9 AM we have a church workday where we will be sprucing up the campus for those joining us for Holy Week services. Then, on Sunday, which is Palm Sunday, the Children’s Ministry will have its Easter Egg Hunt during the 9:30 AM Celebration service. The Children will process through both services waving palms, which is always a favorite of mine! At 12:30 PM on Sunday, the Children’s Ministry will have their production called “God’s Grace” which won’t go longer than 30 minutes. There will be light refreshments provided before the production on the Patio starting after the Traditional Service ends.

        During Holy Week, we will have our Lenten Gathering on Wednesday, but this week will be a special one because the United Women in Faith will be providing a Seder Lunch during that time, so no need to bring food! The following evening is our Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary. Maundy is Latin for “mandate” and the service is focused on the three mandates Jesus gave us at the Last Supper. The next night we will have our Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary as well. Tenebrae is Latin for “darkness” and the service is a journey toward the darkness of the cross with some readings and a lot of musical pieces that accentuate the talents of our choir. Of course, that following Sunday is Easter which we will touch base in next week’s letter but don’t want to skip this Sunday where Pastor Chris will focus on Jesus’ words as he quotes Psalm 22, “‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?’ from Mark 15:39 NLT. Please join us as we unpack those words together at both our 9:30 AM Celebration and 11:00 AM Traditional Service. Both of those services are live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Thanks and god Bless,

Pastor Will



Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris