Weekly Update// Pastoral Intern Alina Saucedo Paucara
Asbury Brothers and Sisters,
The Lord has Risen! Risen indeed! Although some people would think this is the end of the story, it is the beginning. As I see it, Jesus’ Resurrection states and confirms God’s power and presence between us, among us, and for us. Therefore, the season after Easter marks the living implications of being Christ’s followers as the faith journey continues, for which we are assured of God’s company, love, and the hope of a new life.
We heard and chanted amazing music during Holy Week services. We had hymns, songs, and music that, through their rhythm and melodies, took us to remember and reflect on our path to Easter. Beautiful lyrics were able to inspire us, encourage us, and challenge us. One of them continues to resonate in my head, so I wake up every morning singing it.
The chorus says:
“And because He lives
I can face it tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives” (#364 UMC Hymnal)
What was your favorite hymn or song for this season?
As we continue hearing about what happened after Easter morning, we invite you to join us in the “Grace-Filled-Encounters” Sermons that will start this Sunday. Pastor Will is going to share Thomas’ encounter with the Resurrected Lord. We will wait for you in our 9:30 am Contemporary and at 11:00 am Traditional Services. Come! Let us keep walking our Christian journey together!
In the joy of the Risen Lord,
Alina Saucedo Paucara
Pastoral Intern