Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Good morning, friends!
John Wesley loved All Saints’ Day. In fact, he described it by saying, "I always find this a comforting day," and "a day that I peculiarly love." All Saints’ Day was this past Tuesday, November 1, in which we acknowledge the saints of our faith. You may be wondering what we mean by a saint. The United Methodist has saints, but not in the same sense as the Catholic Church. We don’t officially recognize or canonize saints, but we do acknowledge that there are those who are role models and inspired our faith.
This Sunday (November 7), we will acknowledge those who have “gone to glory” in the past year. It’s a time to remember all they have done for us and how they have given us hope. I think of the words of Hebrew 12:2 that say, “since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith,” (NLT) I also think of the Apostles’ Creed that says we believe in “the communion of saints.” As we come together, we recognize the church is made up of both believers here on this earth as well as those who have gone before us and are now cheering us on.
I’ve shared this in one of my sermons, but I often think of my dad and how he is cheering me on as I run the race of life. And as hard as it is, there will be more who will join the cloud of witnesses and cheer for us as we run the race of faith. If I am being honest, I never liked All Saints’ Day much when I was younger. But as grow in age, I find comfort in knowing there are many loved ones who are cheering me on as they share in eternity with Christ.
This Sunday in worship, as I mentioned, we will acknowledge those who have passed in the previous year with a reading of their name and lighting of a candle. It’s a special moment for which I hope you can join us. In addition to All Saints’ Day, this Sunday is the second Sunday of our series All of Who We Are where Pastor Chris will look at giving Jesus our talent. Join us at our Celebration (Contemporary) Service at 9:30am, or at our Traditional Service at 11:00am, both of which are live-streamed. In the meantime, God-bless and see you all soon!
Pastor Will