Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury Family,

 I am a preacher, so naturally I have a special place in my heart for stories. Maybe you’ve heard the one about the chicken and the pig. If not, here is how it goes. Both a pig and a chicken are walking down the road. Suddenly, the chicken turns to the pig and says, "I was thinking we should open a restaurant!" The pig replies, "Hm, maybe. What would we call it?" The chicken responds, "How about 'Ham-n-Eggs'?" The pig thinks for a moment and says, "Sure, but please keep in mind that for you it's only involvement; for me, it's a total commitment!"

 Here’s my question. When it comes to your relationship with Asbury, which animal resonates most with you – the one that’s only involved, or the one that’s totally committed?

 Over the past month, we have been in a stewardship/discipleship series called "All of Who We Are" in which we have been talking about giving our WHOLE selves over to Jesus through the church (his body in the world) and not holding anything back. In doing this, we have been exploring the 4 Ts of discipleship: time, talent, treasure, and trust.

 This Sunday is Celebration/Commitment Sunday. In addition to capping off this series and celebrating our ministry over the past year, we invite you at this service to turn in your 2023 Commitment Card, thereby committing your time, talent, treasure, and trust to Jesus in the new year. Keep in mind that we will not have a 9:30am or an 11am service this Sunday. Instead, we will have one combined service at 10:45am in the sanctuary (which will be livestreamed) followed by a churchwide potluck in the fellowship hall.

 I am expecting God to do great things this Sunday. See you then!





Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Alina Saucedo, Pastoral Intern