Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury Family,
Last Sunday (April 18), we kicked off our new message series on prayer titled “Deep to Deep: Diving into the Mystery of Prayer.” Inspired by Psalm 42:7, in which the Psalmist writes about the depth of who we are longing for a connection with God, the series is taking a closer look at the practice of prayer. Why do we pray, and how do we make sense of our common struggles with prayer? 

This Sunday (April 25), Pastor Mike is going to be tackling one of the hardest – maybe the hardest – question in the series (that’s why I asked him to do it!): Does prayer change things? We can all agree that prayer changes us (God uses prayer to humble and fill us), but does prayer actually change situations or circumstances? Join us for worship (in person or online) at 9:30am (contemporary) or 11am (traditional) as we explore this question.  

I’m thankful for each and every one of you and the awesome privilege of serving as one of your pastors. Have a great day!



Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris