Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Dear Asbury Family,

It’s no secret that our church is in a season of transition. Last Sunday, we said goodbye to our beloved associate pastor, Mike Luzinski, and his wife Madeline. Now we await the arrival of our new associate pastor, Will Kendust, his wife Alicia, and their baby boy Liam. As we adjust to these changes, we remember the words of Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (NLT).

Change is inevitable. It’s part of the ebb and flow of life, including church life. However, in the midst of change, we recall that Jesus is our constant, and his love for us never ends. I pray we will lean on Jesus during these days and rely on his grace. What’s more, I pray we will step into the wonderful future he has for our church. Pastor Mike put it well toward the end of his sermon last week: The best is yet to come!  

After taking a break last week, we return to our sermon series on the Old Testament book of Ruth that we're calling “Ruth: A Story of Redemption.” I’ll remind us that the reason we’re going with this name is that some variation of the word “redemption” shows up at least 23 times in this story. Ruth is a story about the God who redeems all things, even those things that (quite frankly) appear irredeemable.  

This Sunday’s sermon is going to involve a close examination of Ruth Chapter 3. Just a heads-up. Next to Song of Solomon, Ruth Chapter 3 contains some of the most sexually charged material in all of Scripture. I kid you not – it’s enough to make us blush. Nevertheless, these verses contain incredibly profound insights about faith that are worth exploring. So, join us this Sunday for what I think will be an interesting message. (The good news is I won’t have to work very hard to get your attention!) 

Don’t forget that Vacation Bible School (VBS) is just around the corner. The dates for VBS are July 26-30. If you any questions about registering a child or volunteering, please direct them to Laura Molloy at childrenministry@asburymaitland.org. We need all hands on deck for this incredible event.  

Also, don't forget that Coffee and Donuts is resuming this Sunday. We had to pause Coffee and Donuts for a while due to COVID. However, we're back in full gear. Join us in the Fellowship Hall just after the 9:30am service and right before the 11am service for this fun time of fellowship. You'll be glad you did. 

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you Sunday!  




Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Mike