Weekly Update// Pastor Will

Dear Asbury Family,

 I can’t believe summer is almost over! This is always a fun time in the church because a lot of ministries and groups are transitioning into a fall schedule. This is the time where the church is like a duck on the water. Calm, cool, and collected on top of the water, but sometimes scrambling underneath the water to make sure everything is ready to go. One thing that is starting back up is our preschool. The teachers reported in on Monday and the little ones will be here next week with (hopefully!) eager and smiling faces! :)

 As Chris mentioned in last week’s email, we wrapped up our week of both VBS and Youth Week. Both were a huge success and we cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support during those events. Although it was a busy week, I did get a chance to slip out and visit The Sharing Center and wanted to share my experience. If you’ve ever been to The Sharing Center, you know that it is located in Longwood, North of the church on 17-92. It takes up almost a whole plaza with its different pieces and parts from the thrift store to the food distribution center. What amazed me the most about their operation is how thorough they are. They seemed to have thought about everything! For example, when items are donated, they are checked for quality and function. If an electronic does not work properly, it is disassembled and the metal(s) is either scrapped for money that goes back into the operation or the metal is recycled. Similarly, if a piece of clothing is a little over-worn, it will be recycled and sold to a partner of theirs instead of just tossing it. Although these are only a few examples of their thought process, there are many others that amazed me from the different ways they help people in the community find jobs or even housing.

What also amazed me is how little staff they have in their operation. Most of their operations are run by volunteers. A short conversation with Christopher Ham, their Development Manager, let me know how volunteer-based they are, but also how accommodating and easy it is to volunteer. My hope is to take a group there one day soon, but I also encourage you to check it out if you are interested, even just for a couple of hours. I’m sure they would greatly appreciate the help, but I also think you will enjoy your time there!

 In other news, we are starting our new sermon series, “Light: Reflecting the Source,” where we first will look at Jesus being the light of the world, and the following week will look at our response to that. We hope you will join us at either service, Traditional at 11:00 am or Celebration at 9:30 am. Both services are available online as well!

 We hope you have a wonderful week and would love it if you worship with us on Sunday.

 P.S. Please keep the family of Dan Dever in your prayers after his recent passing. There will be a celebration of life service for him on August 14th, at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary with a luncheon to follow the service at Rebos Club, located at 130 Normandy Rd, Casselberry, FL 32707.


Pastor Will



Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris