Weekly Update// Pastor Mike

Dear Asbury,

     I am profoundly grateful for your love and support during a difficult season in my life.

 I was overwhelmed when my doctor told me I had a tumor that was likely cancer.  I did not expect to suddenly take time off to have surgery.  But like many things in life, it happened quickly.  It was only as I was recovering from the surgery that I began to really think through all the implications. 

            My devotion this week was on the story of the crippled man by the pool in Bethsaida.  As I read the story from (John 5:1-9) for the first time I saw myself as the crippled man.  I think all of us have moments where we are humbled, where we have no choice but to ask for help. 

            Three weeks ago my life was going full speed and two weeks ago I needed my wife to help me sit up in bed.  As I continue to recover I reflect on my humbling experience and invite you to reflect on how God is present in moments when we need some help.  I look forward to seeing you in church in person or online this Sunday as we continue our I AM series. 

 Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinski


Weekly Update// Pastor Mike


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris