Weekly Update // Pastor Chris
Dear Asbury Family,
This Saturday, August 10, we are hosting a pickleball tournament to raise money for the recent refurbishing of Asbury’s basketball/pickleball court. This project was undertaken by Zane Rimes, a member of Asbury working toward his Eagle Scout rank. Don't worry – even if you have never played pickleball, you are encouraged to participate in this tournament. It’s open to people of all ages and skill levels. If you’d like to register, sign up here: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.gle%2fjW1GMCkxhmCVZSZG7&c=E,1,wpeNyxhBSLYnr9ASp99cTw_5GkRIixD46JCd99EegBQ9AlR0msoTryL5Jbv1psuYiosAPZO-zl9l3ZT6VXmHNQoRviZJnkKhvlLoXUb4pQ,,&typo=1
On Sunday morning, we will pray for the new school year, which begins Monday, August 12, and close out our sermon series on Moses. The sermon topic that day fits well with the back-to-school prayer, as we will be discussing the importance of not only remembering our faith but also passing our faith on to the next generation. So join us for worship, and if applicable, bring your children (or grandchildren) with you!
By the way, now that summer is concluding, we are also looking to relaunch our community groups for the fall. If you’re not a part of a community group yet, over the next few Sundays, you’ll find out why you should be. Debbie Babbage, one of our members who leads a community group, is going to talk about the impact of her group in both services on Sunday. There will also be an opportunity for you to sign up for a group!
Looking forward to seeing you all there! Enjoy the rest of your week.