Weekly Update//Pastor Will

Hi friends,

Stewardship has become a growing passion in my faith journey, especially stewardship of our bodies. For me, this means taking care of myself physically and mentally, doing the best I can for this amazing gift.

One way I stay active is through exercise. Fortunately, I've always enjoyed working out. The key is finding something you love and can stick with. My workouts often become a time to settle in, reflect on my thoughts and worries, and ultimately release them to God. In a way, it's also an act of praise. Pushing my body and appreciating its capabilities allows me to give thanks.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are "temples of the Holy Spirit" (NLT). We were "bought at a price" and should honor God with them. Back then, Corinth was a center of pagan practices, so people participated in some pagan practices with their bodies. Further, some Christians thought their bodies didn't matter since they were going to die anyway. Paul argues against this, emphasizing that God cares for us and our bodies, just like a loving parent who wants their child to take care of themselves.

Remember, what works for me might not work for you, and that's okay! Find what keeps you moving and enjoying life, maybe even getting some sunshine. We only get one body, so let's treat it well!

This Sunday, Pastor Chris will explore the story of the Unknown Soldier at Jesus' crucifixion. It's also Palm Sunday! Our children will participate in the service, processing in with palms and hunting for Easter eggs at the 9:30 am Celebration service. They will also process at the beginning of the 11:00 am Traditional service. It's always a joy to see their happy faces. You can join us in person or online, at either (or both) services. It will be a special day!

Have a fantastic weekend, and God bless!

Pastor Will




Weekly Update // Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris