Weekly Update // Pastor Mike
Good morning,
Dear Asbury,
This week we say goodbye to our Children’s Ministry Director, Jessie Burton. I am grateful for Jessie’s leadership and service to our church. The lives of our children and families have been blessed by her ministry. I hope you will join me in thanking her and sanding her off with a blessing. It reminds me of a blessing my grandmother used to share, maybe it is familiar to you. It is called the traditional Irish blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
We also want to welcome our interim children’s ministry director, Amanda Jones. Amanda will lead a team of volunteers and serve as the point person for children’s ministry while the staff parish team begins a hiring process. Please join me in lifting her up and showing some extra love to the children of our church and their families during this season of transition.
I also want to invite you to attend worship this Sunday (either in person or online) at 9:30am or 11am as we continue in our series on the “I AM” statement of Jesus in John’s Gospel. Pastor Chris will be talking about Jesus’ “I am the gate for the sheep” statement in John 10. It’s going to be a great Sunday!
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Mike Luzinski