We need your help.
Greetings to our Asbury Family,
This year has created so many difficulties and too much stress. The Finance team at Asbury is working hard to construct a 2021 budget recognizing that so many things have changed, and a large part of our congregation is still uncomfortable worshiping indoors.
As an option for those who want to support our important missions, we are giving you the opportunity to submit your Estimate of Giving card via the website. Simply fill out the form below. Note: This form will be sent DIRECTLY to our Church Administrator, Larry Koch; your estimate of giving is confidential information and no one else will have access to this information except for Larry and his Financial Assistant, Helen Cross.
If you choose to mail in the Estimate of Giving Card or are able to bring it to church on November 22, then no need to worry about the online form. No matter how you decide to send in your estimate, we are very appreciative of your continuing support of Asbury United Methodist Church. Providing the information below will also allow us to confirm that we have your contact data entered correctly.
Remember to always “Make it a great day”,
Larry Koch
Church Administrator
My Commitment Card
Thank you for partnering with us. Asbury could not be successful without your support.