Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

 Dear Asbury Family,

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind words and sincere well-wishes following my announcement on Sunday morning that Amanda is expecting (just one baby this time!). We are thrilled to anticipate the arrival of our third child in April and deeply appreciate that Asbury will be the church where this precious child will be baptized and nurtured in the Christian faith.

A few days ago, Amanda wrote a contribution for Asbury’s Advent Devotionals. As you'll soon read in her reflection, there is something special about expecting a child during the time when we intentionally remember Jesus’ entry into the world as a vulnerable infant. I am getting ahead of myself (Advent is still nearly two months away), so for now, let me say that we appreciate your ongoing prayers and support for our family.

We are approaching the end of our sermon series on the parables (we’ll conclude the series on October 15). I hope and pray that you have found each of these messages meaningful. This Sunday’s sermon will focus on the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13. I encourage you to read that chapter in preparation for the sermon.

The preview of Asbury’s Fall Rummage Sale was yesterday, and sales will continue this Friday and Saturday. Come to our campus and explore the various items that have been donated to our church. All the proceeds will go to support missions! While you’re here, be sure to purchase some baked goods to support Asbury’s Early Learning Center.

 See you at the Rummage Sale and then again on Sunday for worship!




Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris