Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Hello friends,
As you may have noticed in the traditional service, Pastor Chris and I have been moving in and out, appearing like we have somewhere to be. Your observation is correct! Just last week, we launched our Confirmation classes where we engage with some middle school students, discussing the Christian faith, the denominational roots we share as United Methodists, and what that signifies for them in their faith journey. We've completed two classes, with the third week approaching. In the upcoming session, we will explore means of grace, both individual and communal.
One thing I’ve noticed is that that these students are exceptionally bright, ask insightful questions, and remain engaged throughout the class. I’m looking forward to the coming weeks where we'll share in our learning, especially when they'll be confirmed at our combined service on November 19. I hope you can join us, as I'm confident it will be a special day for our confirmands and their families, and for our church as a whole.
Looking back on last weekend, I want to acknowledge and commend all those who contributed to the success of the Rummage Sale, bringing our church family and the community together to experience the love and joy we share at Asbury.
Upcoming, we have the United Methodist Men’s breakfast this Saturday at 7:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall where the UMM president, Jim Van Horn, will be speaking. Later in the month we have our Fall Festival on October 27th. If you can sign up for a trunk, bring some candy, or volunteer, please contact the front office or signup during worship. Your support is crucial for this event.
This Sunday marks the conclusion of our series on the parables, The Stories Jesus Told. Both Pastor Chris and I have enjoyed preaching on these, and we were blessed to have Pastor Brian Carr share his insights as well. We hope you've enjoyed this series too. See you all on Sunday, and have a blessed weekend!
Finally, we are profoundly disturbed by the senseless and horrific violence perpetrated by the Hamas terrorist group in the Middle East. Our prayers go out to all those caught in the midst of this turmoil. May the peace of Christ prevail in all of this, and may we hold our family and loved ones a little tighter during these challenging times.
Pastor Will