CoVID-19 UPDATE #7 // A Letter From Pastor Mike

Dear Asbury, 

            Lately I’ve been reflecting on the metaphor of the journey.  As Methodists we embrace this idea recognizing that the Christian life is a journey of growing to become more like Jesus.  Sometimes we even use the word sanctification to describe how we are growing to become Christlike as we go.  

Most journeys are long and many of us might be asking, “are we there yet?”  Often the answer is, “five more minutes.”  It seems similar to a car ride with parents calming children eager to arrive at the destination.  In 2020 many of our individual journeys and the journey of our church have had plenty of moments where things take longer, don’t go to plan, or are on pause for a while.  This can feel make us feel frustrated or sometimes depressed.  My hope is that our spiritual journeys would continue moving forward.  Are we still grateful for the grace we receive?  Are we still striving to be more like Jesus each and every day?  YES!  We are still striving to walk with God even in the midst of difficulty.  

It is true that sometimes we are tempted to stop moving forward on our journeys.  Maybe you’ve felt that temptation, I have felt it when I am weary.  Even though many of us are tired please be encouraged to press forward through relationships, spiritual practices, worship, small groups, prayer, and reading scripture.  Please continue to pray for the 14 individuals from our church family who have been personally affected by CoVID19 and the many others suffering.  It is through these routines we keep moving forward on the journey of faith even on the days when we don’t feel like it.  May God give you the grace you need for the journey as we continue to faithfully follow Jesus.  

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinski 


Update from Pastor Cameron


Financial Update