Financial Update
August 4th 2020
Dear Asbury,
The Covid-19 crisis continues to present new challenges to all of us each day. Our church has adapted to face the challenges of the pandemic. We have done so with courage, remembering the words of the Apostle Paul, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) We have been flexible with how we do our ministry and we have not compromised our mission. We have continued supporting our mission partners like the food pantry at Hungerford elementary school, the Russell Home, the Sharing Center, the Christian Service Center, Family Promise, Christian Help, the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, and more. We have also provided community and emotional support through phone calls, livestreamed worship, adult small groups via Zoom, youth ministry, children’s ministry, and mobilized a “Hands and Feet Ministry” to support those in need. We remain completely committed to our mission, “to know the love of Jesus Christ, and pass it on!”
We understand that some of you are also going through tough times financially due to income or job loss. Asbury has supported individuals in our congregation who have financial need through the Christian Concerns Fund. Please reach out to Pastor Mike if you or someone you know has a financial need.
Before we talk about how the pandemic has impacted the church financially, it is important to thank each of you who have continued to support what God is doing through Asbury by investing your time, talent, and treasure. Asbury could not carry forward our mission without your faithful support. The shutdown has impacted the church financially. Those of you who pledged have been very faithful in your giving as we have received 94% of the budgeted amounts. The contributions from those who donate through envelopes (not pledging) and cash or checks in the collection plates are now expected to be over $100,000 dollars less than last year. Beginning in June and continuing with July, contributions have dropped from an average of $86,000 per month to $51,000 for those two months. This has resulted in deficit spending for June and July of about $25,000 per month. If this trend continues it will be difficult to sustain the ministry in the current form.
Your church leadership has diligently pursued ways to mitigate the impact of the decline in giving by applying for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The church was accepted for the PPP program through the federal government and these funds have allowed us to continue paying our church and preschool staff. We have also continued investing in ministry through new livestreaming equipment and in our lakeside worship center as a gift for our community.
In addition, the church has been able to reduce expenses. First, starting April 1, 70% of Pastor Cameron’s salary and benefits are being covered by disability insurance. Second, some expenses such as electricity and supplies are lower due to the church campus not being used. And finally, the church staff and leaders have been very careful in making only essential purchases during this time.
Your continued financial support is vital. The ministry of Asbury is dependent on our collective generosity. We have many opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus during this difficult season. Please consider mailing in your offering or giving online through the church website. Thank you for investing in our mission, “to know the love of Jesus Christ and pass it on!”
Grace and Peace,
Derek Scott (Finance Committee Chair)
Rev. Mike Luzi