Weekly Update // Pastor Will
Hi friends,
One of the things I love so much about Christmas time is the change of pace it brings. While December often feels busy with parties and get-togethers, there’s usually a quiet lull in the day or two before Christmas Eve. By then, most of the parties have wrapped up, the shopping is (hopefully!) done, and, in our case, the bulletins for the Christmas Eve service are printed (I’m writing this on Monday, in case you were curious).
Before we know it, the Christmas Eve services will begin—a time to see old friends back in town, share the Christmas spirit, and, of course, light the candles and sing "Silent Night." There are so many metaphors we can draw from this moment, but the one that always stands out to me is theological: we light our candles from the Christ candle, representing Jesus, the Light of the World (John 8:12). From there, we pass the flame to one another until every candle is lit.
It’s a beautiful reminder that while our small candle may seem insignificant on its own, together, our lights illuminate the room with a stunning glow. As a pastor, I’m blessed to witness this up close, but what I love even more is stepping back to see the collective brightness of the candles and the joy on each face.
By the time you read this, you’ll likely be able to reflect on those same moments from our Christmas Eve services. I pray that as you celebrate Christmas Day and the days that follow, they are filled with love, peace, joy, and the light of Christ—all the gifts He brings to help us live life to the fullest.
After Christmas, we’ll ease into a slower pace with two single-service Sundays in a row. Both services will be at 10 AM in the Sanctuary. On December 29, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing from Charles Row, and on January 5, Pastor Chris will give his final sermon at Asbury.
We know January 5th will be an emotional one, but we do hope you can join us so we can say our good-byes to Pastor Chris.
In the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Pastor Will