Weekly Update // Pastor Will

Dear Asbury Family,

Did you know that we have Morning Prayer every weekday at 8:30 a.m. on Facebook Live? It’s a great opportunity to start your day with God and our Asbury community.

What is Morning Prayer?
Morning Prayer is a time set aside to center ourselves before the day begins. Each morning, we come together virtually for about 30 minutes of prayer and reflection, and you’re invited to join us! While the general structure remains the same, each presenter brings their own style, format, and "flavor" to the time. Here’s what you can typically expect:

  • A Psalm: A passage from the Psalms to begin the day with praise and thanksgiving.

  • A New Testament Reading: A short scripture to encourage and challenge you as you walk through the week.

  • A Song for Reflection: A piece of music (usually from our Asbury YouTube page) to meditate on and help focus your heart on God’s presence.

  • Closing Prayer and Benediction: We end with a time of prayer and a benediction to send you into your day with God’s peace and purpose.

The format I’ve outlined is usually what I use, but each presenter may choose to structure the time a little differently. Here's who will be leading each week:

  • Monday & Tuesday – Teresa Cunningham

  • Wednesday – Will Kendust (that’s me!)

  • Thursday – Cyd Frank

  • Friday – Pastor Durwood

We invite you to set aside 30 minutes each morning to pause, pray, and connect with God and our church family. You can join us live or watch the replay at your convenience on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/asburyumcmaitland.

Upcoming Events at Asbury

Asbury Early Learning Center Silent Auction & Fundraiser – Join us on February 28th from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. for this special event to support our Early Learning Center.

United Methodist Men’s Breakfast – On March 1st at 7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, join us for a hearty breakfast and fellowship as Pastor Durwood shares a message.

Lenten Gatherings & Ash Wednesday – As we prepare for Lent, join us for our Lenten Gatherings in the Fellowship Hall at 12:00 Noon, where food will be provided as we reflect and prepare our hearts. That evening, we will hold a special Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Ashes will be imposed at both gatherings.

This Sunday’s Sermon: Divine Flavor

Pastor Durwood will bring a message on what it means to be the salt of the earth and how we bring God’s presence into the world. We hope to see you in worship! If you can’t make it in person, we of course have our live-stream options available on Youtube and Facebook.




Weekly Update // Pastor Durwood


Weekly Update // Pastor Will