Weekly Update // Pastor Will

Dear Asbury Family,

I get asked now and then how I decide what to preach on. A lot of the time, when I preach, it’s because the topic is one I personally need to hear. A few weeks ago, I chose to focus on God’s patience with others, but more often than not, with us. I realized how often we fall into the trap of legalism—feeling like we need to earn God’s favor. I’m incredibly susceptible to this myself.

We live in a world that constantly tells us to achieve, perform, and prove our worth. We often see others’ highlight reels only on social media and end up thinking we must be doing something wrong. This mindset often creeps into our relationship with God, and we begin to think we have to check all the right boxes, follow all the rules, and do everything perfectly in order to receive His love. But the truth is: God is patient with us, waiting for us to receive His grace. It’s not demanding or forceful, but gentle and patient.

2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that God is not slow, as we might think of it, but patient—giving us time to turn to Him. If you’ve ever struggled with doubt or felt like you weren’t “doing enough” in your faith, take heart. God’s love is not about performance—it’s about His steadfast, patient grace.

This kind of patience is radically different from what the world teaches us. We are encouraged to hurry, achieve, and constantly strive, but God calls us to rest in His grace.

A challenge for this week: I invite you to lean into His patience and trust that He is at work in your life, even when you don’t feel like you’ve done enough.

Upcoming Events

  • Hot Dogs at the Lakeside Chapel – Wednesday at Noon
    Join us for food and fellowship in a beautiful setting!

  • Asbury Early Learning Center Art Show & Silent Auction – Friday, Feb. 28 (5-7 PM)
    Come support our little artists and help raise funds for the Early Learning Center.

  • United Methodist Men’s Breakfast – Saturday, March 1 (7:30 AM, Fellowship Hall)
    Pastor Durwood will be the guest speaker—come enjoy a great meal and an inspiring message!

Join Us for Worship

This Sunday, Pastor Durwood will be preaching on Luke 21 with a sermon titled "Giving That Matters." We encourage you to join us in person if possible, but if you can’t make it, online options are available as well.

Praying you have a blessed and wonderful weekend. See you soon!

Grace and peace,




Weekly Update // Pastor Will


Weekly Update // Pastor Will