CoVID-19 UPDATE #4 // A Letter From Pastor Mike
Dear Asbury,
When we pray the Lord’s Prayer we ask God to give us our “daily bread.” I think Jesus is talking about a lot more than just food. Jesus is talking about asking God for the grace we need to get through each day. I’ve been asking God for the grace of endurance and strength. It has been another difficult week, new cases of CoViD19 continue to rise at a rate of doubling every 7-10 days in Florida. The church reopening team voted on Wednesday to keep the church campus closed in the interest of safety. That team will meet again in mid-July to continue evaluating if it is safe to resume on campus activities. At this point in time, August looks like the earliest we may be able to resume in person worship. Let us continue to pray for God to work through us as vessels of healing, hope, and peace during this difficult season. May God give you the grace of daily bread so you have the strength you need to know the love of Jesus Christ and pass it on!
Rev. Mike Luzinski