CoVID-19 UPDATE #3 // A Letter From Pastor Mike

Dear Asbury, 

            I am so grateful for the way God continues to lead us forward even in the midst of adversity.  This week the Asbury family has experienced more adversity.  Two members of our community from two different households have tested positive for CoVID19.  One person is a member of the congregation and another a member of our staff team.  I invite you to pray for healing and patience as these individuals spend time in isolation with their families.  You might be reading this and asking the question, "was I exposed?"  The answer is no. Notifications have already been sent out to those who have been indirectly exposed to these individuals in the last two weeks.  If you have not already been contacted then you have no risk of exposure.  Furthermore, the church will not disclose the identities of the individuals who tested positive due to HIPAA.  

            Now is a time for caution and patience.  I am reminded of the famous words of John Wesley, "Do no harm."  We as a church are seeking to love our neighbors by mitigating the spread of this virus.  In compliance with the recent Orange County executive order, Asbury is requiring masks to be worn on our church campus.  We have many other safety protocols in place.  The church has delayed our reopening for small groups (phase 2) and in person worship services (phase 3).  At this time there is a tentative date of July 6th to reopen the church for small groups.  

Please join me in prayer for our community and those who are suffering all over the world from the pandemic.  This week in worship we will continue to talk about prayer because it is one of our greatest tools in moments when we feel out of control, fearful, and unsure of what to do next.   Lord Jesus continue to work through us as individuals and as a church to offer healing and hope. 

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinsk


CoVID-19 UPDATE #4 // A Letter From Pastor Mike


CoVID-19 UPDATE #2 // A Letter From Pastor Mike