CoVID-19 UPDATE #6 // A Letter From Pastor Mike
This past week I read the Easter morning story from the gospel of Mark. Three women go to the tomb to find the stone rolled away then an angel tells them that Jesus is alive! The angel commands the women to quickly go and share the good news. “So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8) What!? These women just heard the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and “they said nothing to anyone” because they were afraid.
Fear is a powerful motivator and it was at work in the reaction of these followers of Jesus. We know that certain types of fear are healthy. For example, fear of touching the hot stove protects us from getting burned. We also know that fear often works in unhealthy ways. It can overwhelm us, distract us, and distort our vision. One of our challenges as followers of Jesus is how to discern when to have courage and when to be afraid.
I am glad to share with you that the Church Reopening Task force is not motivated by fear. The team is motivated by the wellbeing of the Asbury community. This past week the team met and voted unanimously to remain in phase 1 of our reopening plan. The team will continue to meet twice a month to continue the work of reopening as soon as it is safe to do so. This week when you feel fear creeping in, I challenge you to notice then ask God to give you discernment and courage.
Rev. Mike Luzinski Associate Pastor