CoVID-19 UPDATE #2 // A Letter From Pastor Mike

Dear Asbury,  

            Lately things have been changing so quickly.  It is often hard to keep up.  Just twelve days ago our church leadership made decisions about our reopening plan.  In the time since, the weekly totals of new Corona Virus in Orange and Seminole Counties has doubled the previous peak in early April when we went into shut down.  As a result of the new information, the church has postponed Phase 2 of our reopening plan to Monday July 6th in the interest of the safety of our members and community.  

As a church we are praying for those who have been harmed by the pandemic in our local community and around the world.  We pray for those who are sick, those who are afraid, those who are hurting financially, and those who are exhausted.  Lord Jesus come to bring healing and hope.  Give us a vision of a new future we can live into together on the other side of this deep pain.  

            When I am not sure what to do next, I stop for a moment and pray.  Prayer is easy to do and we can do it in a lot of different ways.  Lately I’ve prayed while reading the news, talking about reopening, sitting in silence, and while walking my new dog Luna.  There are so many different forms of prayer and ways we can pray to God.  This Sunday we enter into a new sermon series called, “Teach Me How to Pray.”  In the series we will reflect on how Jesus taught us to pray in the Sermon on the Mount.  

 Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinski


CoVID-19 UPDATE #3 // A Letter From Pastor Mike


CoVID-19 UPDATE #1 // A Letter From Pastor Mike