Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Dear Asbury Family,

 Thus far in our “Credo” sermon series, in which we’re exploring the Apostles’ Creed, we’ve talked about the first two persons of the Trinity -- the Father and Son. In this Sunday's sermon, we come to the third person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit. The article goes like this:  

                         I believe in the Holy Spirit.

 Not very much to work with, is it? The article in the Apostle's Creed about God the Father has twelve words. The article about Jesus the Son has a whopping sixty-five words. However, the article about the Holy Spirit only has six words, which is somewhere between five and six percent of the entire Apostles’ Creed. Put simply, less than six percent of the entire Apostles’ Creed is devoted to the Holy Spirit, whom Christians believe (and the church has historically taught) to be coequal and coeternal with the other two persons of the Godhead/Trinity. As a quintessential middle child, I can’t help but ask, “What gives?” However, as we’re going to discover in this weekend’s message, the Holy Spirit is OK with receiving less attention than the other persons of the Trinity, particularly the Son.

 I hope you’ll join us for Sunday worship as we learn more. Services are at 9:30am (contemporary/celebration) and 11am (traditional). You can worship with us both in person and online! 

Let me end by saying it’s fitting that we’re talking about the Holy Spirit this Sunday because it's PENTECOST, when we remember the Spirit’s descent and the birth of the church (Acts 2:1-41). Make sure to wear RED (the color that symbolizes the Holy Spirit) when you come to worship on Sunday.

Enjoy the rest of your week. See you soon!









Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris