Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Dear Asbury Family,

 I originally wrote the below note on Tuesday afternoon. While I still want to share it, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say a word about the shooting that happened at Robb Elementary School in Ulvade, TX. As of this writing, twenty-one people have been murdered - nineteen children and two teachers. I don’t know what to say. Like all of you, I'm sure, my stomach is sick and my heart hurts. The following Scripture keeps coming to my mind.

 A cry was heard in Ramah—

  weeping and great mourning.

Rachel weeps for her children,

  refusing to be comforted,

  for they are dead.

Matthew 2:18 (NLT)

I’ve spoken to our worship team, and this Sunday in worship we will have candles on the Fellowship Hall stage and Sanctuary altar. The candles will correspond to the number of victims shot and killed. Additionally, we will offer a special word of prayer for their families.

 I’ll end this brief note by saying that today I am hugging our (soon to be elementary-school-aged) children a little tighter. I am also praying for – and pushing toward – a world where horrific mass shootings are no longer the norm. I hope you will join me. 



 Dear Asbury Family,

 Last Sunday we started a new sermon series on the Apostles’ Creed. Crafted by the early church, the Apostles’ Creed describes essential, core beliefs Christians have held for centuries about God. Last week we looked at the first article of the creed, I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. This Sunday (May 29), we come to the second article, which is by far the longest section of the creed: 

 And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried;

the third day he rose from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

 This second article makes up almost sixty-two percent of the Apostles’ Creed. Put simply, almost sixty-two percent of the Apostles’ Creed is devoted specifically and entirely to Jesus, the second person of the Trinity and eternal Son of God, who took on human flesh to be with us. I am probably biting off more than I can chew, but my plan is to explore the significance of Jesus (and what this second article of the creed teaches about him) in my sermon this Sunday. I hope you will make plans to join us for corporate worship at either 9:30am (contemporary) or 11am (traditional). 

 Let me remind you of a few more items. 

 First, this Sunday is Memorial Day weekend, when our nation honors those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. We’ll be sure to honor fallen soldiers at both our two services.

 Second, this Sunday is a fifth Sunday, which means we’ll be taking up a special offering for our Florida United Methodist Children’s Home. I encourage you to give generously to support the work and ministry of the Children’s Home. God is using this organization to forever change lives. 

 Third, we have a New Members Class on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm in the conference room. If you’re interested in attending, please send me an email (pastorchris@asburymaitland.org). If you’re not yet a member of Asbury, I’d love to see you there.

 Finally, Pastor Will is going to be commissioned as a provisional elder at Annual Conference on Saturday, June 11 at 10:30am. The service will take place in Branscomb Auditorium at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. If you’re interested in attending, please contact the church office so we can arrange transportation (407-644-5222). We want as many people there as possible to show our support to Pastor Will. 

 Thanks for reading! Have a great week, and I’ll see you Sunday.








Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris