Pastor Cameron Update from our Staff Parish Relations Committee, Bishop Carter, and the Cabinet
As you know, Pastor Cameron has been fighting a heroic battle with cancer. Our District Superintendent, Bob Bushong, and Pastor Mike have been in regular communication with both Cameron and his wife, Julie. Although he has made progress, his journey to recovery is far from over. The difficult, but necessary, decision has been made, jointly by the SPRC, Bishop Carter and the Cabinet, that Pastor Cameron will not be returning as the Senior Pastor of Asbury.
This will allow Pastor Cameron the time needed to focus on the healing process and will also allow Asbury UMC to continue to grow in all of the ways he envisioned. Our prayer is that someday, he will be ready again for an appointment within the Conference. Pastor Cameron would like to speak to all of us, himself, and we will update you when we know how and when that can happen. Pastor Cameron will always be a part of Asbury. We will continue to support him, and his family with our prayers. Please contact the church office if you would like to give a love offering, or send cards, letters, or emails of support.
We also recognize since Pastor Cameron’s sudden departure, Pastor Mike has had the herculean feat of holding our church together, and driving it forward through a pandemic, shut down and uncertain economic status. To say that he has risen to the challenge is an understatement. We want to thank him for carrying us through these difficult times and never swaying from his commitment to the church’s mission and to the congregation. We love you and appreciate you, Pastor Mike.
Although we are closing one chapter in the life of our church, we are also opening a new chapter, with optimism and positive change. 2020 is finally coming to an end and it is time to look forward to the new year with renewed energy. Asbury is a solid church with a strong mission. The process of choosing a pastor requires many considerations. It is important to match the right clergy with the right church, so that the church, the mission, and the surrounding community thrives.
After much thoughtful consideration, a new Pastor has been chosen for our church. I am privileged to announce the appointment of Pastor Chris Jones as the new Senior Pastor of Asbury United Methodist Church, beginning in January. Pastor Chris will be coming to us from Community of Faith Church in Davenport where he has served as Senior Pastor for over 5 years. He is a graduate of Florida Southern College, Duke Divinity School, and Asbury Theological Seminary. Pastor Chris is also the Chairperson of the East Central District Committee on Ordained Ministry. He is known for his experience, thoughtfulness, leadership, and his passion for community connection. Pastor Chris will be joined by his wife, Amanda, their 3 year old twins, and 2 dogs. Fun fact… Pastor Chris and Pastor Mike grew up in the same church in Ft. Lauderdale, although a few years apart. They must be doing something right down there.
We look forward to getting to know Pastor Chris and are excited about his partnership with Pastor Mike. God has great things in store for us!
Alison Toler (McAleenan)
Chair, Asbury SPRC