Introducing Pastor Chris Jones

Dear Asbury Family, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  

I’m assuming you’ve heard the news by now that Bishop Ken Carter has appointed me to serve as one of your pastors. I’m humbled by this appointment and look forward to growing with you in the time ahead. I also sending greetings on behalf of my family, which includes my wife Amanda, our (almost) 3-year-old twins Hannah and Noah, and our two pups Teddy and Nala. You’ll hear lots about them in various sermon illustrations!

Speaking of sermons, my first message at Asbury will be this Sunday (January 10). That said, I hope you will join us for worship either online or in-person at 9:30am or 11:00am.  I’m going to be preaching about God’s love for us in Jesus and God’s deep, desperate, and passionate desire to be in relationship with everybody. It’s this understanding of God that led me to pursue ministry in the first place. 

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your newly appointed pastor. And if I can ever be of any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Weekly Update // Pastor Chris


Pastor Cameron Update from our Staff Parish Relations Committee, Bishop Carter, and the Cabinet