Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Dear Asbury Family,
Hello from the beach!
Can you believe it’s been a whole year? You may be thinking, “what’s been a whole year?” Well, I’ll tell you! It’s been a whole year since I’ve been at Asbury as the Associate Pastor. I remember when I first had a conversation with Pastor Chris and the potential of coming on staff. I also remember getting the phone call from my District Superintendent at about 9 o’clock at night. It was hard to sleep that evening because I was so excited about the opportunity. To think that was all over a year ago is wild to me!
There were certainly some bumps along the road. I remember conversations with Alicia going back and forth about whether we should try to buy or just rent for a while. As you probably know, as soon as a house would become available, it would seemingly disappear within the hour. We felt defeated more than once. I remember one house came along that was for rent that we loved, so we immediately called and submitted an application, all to be told we didn’t qualify. We asked for clarity on why but by the time we got the answer, the house had already been rented. At the moment it didn’t make sense, but looking back, it is easy to see God's hand was at work all along.
It’s also been easy to see God's hand at work at my work here at the church. There’s been ups and a few downs, but overall it’s been an opportunity for me to stretch and grow. I think of the passage in the first chapter in James that says, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (James 1:2-5 NLT) I may be alone in this, but joy is not usually my go-to in troubles. It’s usually my last. But when I think of the moments where I’ve grown and leaned on God a little more, it is usually the more difficult times. It sometimes takes a while, but ultimately I end up being thankful. I hope that whenever or wherever you face trials or troubles of your own, just as James suggests, you are able to see the opportunity for growth and trust in God that much more.
This Sunday, we get to hear from our intern Lily as we hear the first part of the two-part mini-series “Life with God.” In particular, Lily will be focusing on relationships and the different types of relationships we see in scripture and what they all mean for us. I really hope you can join us at 9:30 am (contemporary/celebration) or 11:00 am (traditional) worship service!
God bless, and see you soon!
Pastor Will