Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Dear Asbury Family,
This past week, we got the pleasure of hearing from our intern, Lily, as she talked about the three different types of love we read about in the bible - friendship, parental, and self-sacrificial love. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who heard her, that we are so blessed to have her as part of our team, and she continues the long tradition of great interns we have had here at Asbury. For example, our intern last summer, Hannah King, is now on staff as our Technologies Director, and Noah Pullon, another previous summer intern, works with our youth ministries. Even though my time here at Asbury has been short, there is a very clear trend that Asbury really empowers and enables the next generation in ministry.
Although I had done years of ministry at Suntree United Methodist Church, I’ll never forget my summer in 2019 when I was a pastoral intern at North United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. The first major shock of all of this was that we were in a whole new city, but the other shock was being put into a lot of positions that I was not familiar (or even comfortable) with, which caused me to grow exponentially. Now that I am in a position to work with interns, I do everything in my power to ensure they receive as much experience in as many areas as possible so that they can grow as well.
Speaking of new experiences! This upcoming week, starting on Monday the 11th, The Asbury Youth Ministry is headed to Melbourne for Brevard Mission Week or BMW. It’s going to be a week-long experience of serving those in need in the Brevard area, all while sleeping at Suntree United Methodist Church and fellowshipping with other youth. I would ask that you be in prayer for us that God would move in some beautiful ways in our youth. I’m excited about the week, and can’t wait to share all of our experiences with you when we get back!
A few other things are coming up. Pastor Chris’ book study on “The Jesus I Never Knew” also begins on Monday the 11th. If you are interested in that, email Pastor Chris at PastorChris@AsburyMaitland.Org to register or ask any questions you might have. Next up, VBS starts the following Monday, the 18th, and we still need some help if possible. If you can volunteer for the week, head to the website and click “Sign Up!”. Next Up, our TED talks are kicking off next week with our first one on Thursday the 14th. All of that information can be found below in this email. Lastly, I hope you can join us for worship on Sunday as we wrap up our mini-series Life with God. I’ve got a lot to live up to following Lily, but I’ll be talking about Fellowship with God and what that means for us. Of course, both our Celebration (9:30 am) and Traditional (11:00 am) services will be broadcast online via Facebook and Youtube if you cannot make it in person. I pray you have a blessed weekend and we will see you Sunday.
On a final note, my heart breaks for the community of Highland Park, Illinois for the senseless, evil shooting that occurred on Monday. It’s so difficult to come up with the words to say in situations like this, so I cling to the words of Psalm 34, verse 18 which says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (NLT) I’m praying for an end to these horrific shootings, and that God’s mercy would be made manifest in that community because I know many are brokenhearted and whose spirits are utterly crushed.
God Bless,
Pastor Will