Weekly Update// Pastor Will

Dear Asbury Family,

        The older I get, the more I realize the need for community. When I think about the bigger accomplishments in life, it’s fairly easy to see that I’ve achieved them within the context of a helpful and supportive community. Even when I was first licensed in my ordination process, the first thought that came to mind was that it takes a village. Yes, it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to get ordained, because so much of the process requires help and support from other people. I received help with scholarships, writing recommendation letters, reading and editing my paperwork, and even help on what to wear when interviewing! Needless to say, who knows where I would be without the help from those around me?!  

The reason I mention all this is that the United Methodist Church has known the benefit of the community for a while, requiring all newly commissioned clergy to take part in the Residents in Ministry (RIM) process. This program includes four “retreats” in addition to other smaller get-togethers, all of which are designed to help those starting out in ministry build connections with their colleagues. It’s Tuesday as I write this email, and I’m currently at one of those retreats in Gainesville. I’m praying for a great week and for the relationships I am building here to continue to grow so that we all can continue to support each other as we lead various congregations, all of which are part of the body of Christ.
        If you tuned in for service on Sunday, you may have heard Pastor Chris share what an incredible success the Rummage Sale was. After running the numbers from the credit card charges it was totaled that the Rummage Sale brought in $10,400 dollars and Asbury Early Learning Center raised over $1,500 dollars. This was on top of all the other beautiful moments that came from the week including new and old friendships strengthened as well as the church community coming together for one another. Praise be to God! In a few weeks, we will have another chance to come together for the Fall Festival on Friday, October 28th, from 5 pm to 7 pm. If possible, we’re asking folks to sign-up to decorate their trunks for Trunk-or-Treat or donate candy. Candy drop-off bins and sign-up sheets will be present in service, or at the front office during the week.
        Lastly, this Sunday we are wrapping up our series entitled “Grace Encounters.” I’m excited to preach on the “Grace that Sustains Us” based on Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman found in John 4. I hope you can join us at our Celebration (Contemporary) Service at 9:30 am, or at our Traditional Service at 11:00 am, both of which are live-streamed. In the meantime, God-bless and see you all soon!

Pastor Will

p.s. This Saturday, the 22nd, is the Celebration of Life service for Mike Molloy at 10 am. The service will be held in the Sanctuary as we honor the life of Mike and show support for Laura and Tamara and their families. 





Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris