Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury family,

 As I write this email, I’m still feeling the energy of last Sunday’s services. In addition to starting a brand-new series on God’s grace, we experienced powerful music at both services (welcome back to our choir!), received new members, and celebrated a baptism. Praise God for the Spirit’s movement in our church! 

 This Sunday we have the honor of receiving an additional new member at our 11 am service, our seventeenth new member for the year. Additionally, we’re hosting the Rummage Sale this Friday (8 am-3 pm) and Saturday (8 am-2 pm), and the Fall Festival is just around the corner (October 28). There are lots going on at Asbury, so be sure to stay connected. 

 I hope to see you in worship this weekend. I am excited about my message entitled “Grace that Liberates Us” based on John 8:1-11, which I encourage you to read when you get a chance.

 See you at the Rummage Sale tomorrow or Saturday, and then again for worship.



 p.s. Many of you saw the email about Pastor Cameron Lashbrook’s recent transition to home hospice. Please continue to hold the Lashbrook family – Cameron, Julie, Sydney, and Jackson – in your prayers. Cameron served our church well during the time he was with us, and I am humbled to have followed him. We remain grateful for his strong leadership and ministry.  








Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Will