Weekly Update// Pastor Chris
Dear Asbury Family,
When it comes to movies, TV shows, and books, most of us get pretty serious about spoilers, don’t we? We warn folks not to spoil the ending of a story for us; otherwise, they’ll endure our “wrath,” right?
However, we might be surprised to know that a study from two researchers at the University of California, San Diego suggests that spoilers don't spoil stories. Instead, contrary to popular wisdom they might even enhance our enjoyment of a story!
The study ran three experiments based on 12 short stories. Each version of the story was read by at least 30 people. Surprisingly, the researchers found that the study participants preferred the "spoiled" versions of suspenseful stories. For example, in one case, participants were told before reading the story that a condemned man's daring escape is all just a fantasy before the noose snaps around his neck. That spoiler alert helped readers enjoy the story even more.
One of the researchers had an interesting theory about why people liked getting a spoiler alert. He said, "It could be that once you know how [the story] turns out...you're more comfortable processing the information and you can focus on a deeper understanding of the story."
Well, here we are in Holy Week, the week leading into Easter, trying to relive what's been called "The Greatest Story Ever Told."
Years back, I used to think I'd have more of an appreciation for the Easter story if, like the disciples, I didn't know it was coming. Now I'm not so sure about that. The more I think about it, the more I realize it’s a gift for me to know how this story ends – a gift that allows me to pause, slow down, and process God’s love on a deeper level.
I hope you'll make plans to join us (in person or online) for our Maundy Thursday (7PM), Good Friday (7PM), and Easter services (6:30, 8:15, 9:30, 11am). Together, we'll journey with Jesus to the cross and experience the hope and power of the resurrection.