Weekly Update// Pastor Mike
Dear Asbury,
God showed up in a mighty way throughout Holy Week and Easter Sunday! Our services were powerful and emotional as we told the story of Jesus’ journey to the upper room, the cross, and the empty tomb. Pastor Chris and I shared the story of Lazarus on Sunday. Jesus called Lazarus out from the grave and Lazarus walked out of his own tomb! Lazarus was a different person on the other side of his resurrection experience. He was not the man he was before. Jesus wants our lives to change because of God’s resurrection power as well! He calls us out of the graves we dig ourselves into, just like He called Lazarus out of the tomb. We celebrate the present reality of resurrection with joy!
Thank you, Asbury, for making Easter so special. It is important to thank every volunteer and team member who worked so hard to make Easter an amazing celebration. Without your faithful support and service we would not be able to pull off these fantastic celebrations. Every contribution is integral to the mission of Asbury – that is why I am so grateful to every financial supporter, every volunteer, and every team member for their investment in Asbury’s mission. Without your faithful support we could not do what God has called us to do. Thank you for making the season of Lent and Easter a powerful encounter with the risen Lord!
This Sunday we will continue telling the story of the resurrection as we reflect on the disciples’ reaction to the resurrection. John 20:19-23 makes it clear the disciples did not understand what happened on the first Easter Sunday. They were traumatized by the pain of Good Friday so much so that they could not awaken to the good news of Easter.
See you in worship (online and in person) as we continue to tell the story of Easter!
Grace and Peace,