Weekly Update// Pastor Mike
Dear Asbury,
Two days ago, I went to my car and the steering wheel was so hot I could barely touch it. There I was pulling out of the parking lot with my hands at the bottom of the wheel as opposed to ten and two. The seasons are changing -- it is almost summer time. That means we have many things to look forward to on our church calendar. Our preschool is about to celebrate graduation next Thursday and four of our youth will celebrate their confirmation on Sunday May 23rd. We will soon welcome our summer intern, Hannah King, coming to us from the Wesley Foundation at the University of Central Florida. As summer approaches we have a lot to look forward to!
This Sunday, we will conclude our sermon series on prayer. Over the course of the series, we have wrestled together with tough questions about prayer like, “does prayer change things?” and “how do we make sense of unanswered prayer?” We affirmed God’s presence with us through every circumstance and remembered God is not responsible for the suffering we experience. Even after a month of diving into prayer I still marvel at the depth of the topic. This Sunday, Pastor Chris will wrap up our series with a final sermon entitled “Prayer & Us.” I am so grateful for your engagement over the course of this series and have enjoyed exploring questions of prayer as we deepen our faith together. See you in church!