Weekly Update// Pastor Chris
Dear Asbury Family,
I couldn’t be more excited about worship this weekend.
First, it’s Pentecost Sunday. For those who may not be familiar with the church calendar, Pentecost is the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension into heaven (Acts 2:1-41). One person put it this way: Jesus ASCENDED into heaven so the Holy Spirit could DESCEND upon his followers. That descent gave birth to the church and empowered the church to continue the great, liberating, and redemptive work Jesus had started when he came among us. The color for Pentecost is red, symbolizing the flame of the Spirit. So, whether you are planning to join us online or in person, make sure to wear red when you worship God this Sunday.
As I mentioned already, Pentecost marks the birth of the church. Therefore, it’s fitting that this Sunday is also Confirmation Sunday. Indeed, we are confirming four students at our 9:30am service (two of these students will be baptized). In addition, we are baptizing Aislyn Malloy, Tamara and Lance Alexander’s one-year-old daughter, at our 11am service. So, it’s going to be a celebratory day no matter what service you attend.
It’s a humbling to be a part of the wonderful things God is doing at Asbury. I hope you will join us for what’s sure to be an inspiring Sunday.