Weekly Update // Pastor Mike

Good morning,

            Yesterday we celebrated Ash Wednesday.  We shared together in the liturgy, “from dust you came and to dust you shall return.”  Ash Wednesday holds two truths of the Christian faith in tension.  First our mortality as human beings.  Yesterday we reminded ourselves that we will one day return to dust through death.  If that were the only truth of Ash Wednesday it would seem pretty hopeless but God does not leave us without hope.  The second truth is that God creates new life out of dust.  God created the first human being out of dust and God continues to create out of dust. This is the good news of Ash Wednesday! Grace and new come to us directly from God.  To dust we shall return and from dust we will rise. 

As we begin our journey towards Easter I invite you to reflect with us on these truths of the gospel.  We will continue this conversation as we begin a new sermon series on the “I am” statements of Jesus.  Join with us in worship in person or online. 

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinski


Weekly Update// Pastor Mike


Weekly Update // Pastor Mike