Weekly Update // Pastor Mike


            I have heard a lot of good news about vaccines lately.  This past week I spoke with the recipients of that good news, people who have received both doses of the vaccine.  It was a joy to see members of the Asbury family that I had not seen in person since the pandemic started on Sunday.  These members of our church family have received both vaccine shots and are comfortable resuming their church activities.  In my prayer time this week I found myself thanking God for the gift of the vaccine.  I am grateful for the hard working dedicated people who developed and distributed this lifesaving medicine.  Their efforts are a gift of grace to us, praise God! 

There is hope on the horizon and we still need to be cautious.  I wish the pandemic was over but it is not.  I realize many are still not comfortable doing activities in person.  Many of us will need to wait a while longer before we are able to receive the vaccine.  Asbury will continue to offer our call in livestream (407) 436 – 7832 and Facebook livestream to those who would prefer to worship remotely.  We will also continue to offer robust online ministry through Sunday worship, morning prayer, and small group opportunities.  We the church continue to journey together through this difficult season.  If there are ways we can walk with you please reach out to the church office via email or a phone call. 


Grace and Peace,

Rev. Mike Luzinski


Weekly Update // Pastor Mike


Weekly Update // Pastor Chris