Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Hi Asbury Family,

 As I thought about what to write, the main thing that came to mind was reflecting on our current sermon series, “Disappointment with God.” As Pastor Chris has mentioned, these three questions sum up our disappointment with God: Is God Hidden?, Is God Silent?, and Is God Unfair? Last Sunday’s sermon was a weighty one asking if God is silent, all while looking at the life of Job. Job is someone who lost everything, but as we heard from Pastor Chris, God was still with him through it all.

 While reflecting on this past week’s sermon, I’ve thought about some of the events that have happened in my own life and how I’ve responded. There were times that I responded better than others. What I found through the difficult times -- similar to what we're discussing in this sermon series -- is being honest with God about my thoughts and feelings, and not shying away from them. Just because we avoid the tough emotions does not mean they simply go away. The same applies to the questions. If we can muster the courage to ask these questions, I think it not only deepens our understanding of God, but it also deepens our relationship as well. Like most things, it will not always be easy, but it will be worth it.

 I hope you are able to join us as we conclude our series and ask our last question: Is God unfair? This is another heavy question that I know some of us have pondered ourselves.

 On a lighter note, today (Thursday) is Hot Dog Day so swing by our lakeside chapel around noon for some food and fellowship! Oh, and friends too! I pray you have a blessed weekend, and we will see you either at our 9:30 or 11:00 services, either online or in-person, for worship this Sunday.

God bless and be safe!

 Pastor Will








Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Chris