Weekly Update // Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury Family,

I hope you are enjoying our series so far on faith and doubt, and that you’re finding yourself pushed and challenged to look at doubt in a new way. As we’ve established, doubt doesn’t have to bad but can lead us into a deeper and more fulfilling faith-life.

This Sunday (January 31), as we continue in this series, we’re going explore one of the most commonly posed questions to Christianity. The question goes something like this:

If God wants a relationship with us (as Christians say God does), why does God even leave room for doubt? Why does God allow us to question his existence? Why doesn’t God just rip open the heavens and “prove” himself once and for all? Why doesn’t God make himself more obvious to us?

If you’ve ever found yourself wrestling with this question (I wrestled with this question before and even after I got serious about my faith), be sure to join us for worship this Sunday at 9:30AM (celebration) or 11AM (traditional). You can worship with us in person or online at www.facebook.com/asburyumcmaitland/live. Also, be sure to invite and tell others.

As always, thank you for the privilege of serving as one of your pastors. I hope you enjoy your day.



p.s. This Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month, which means we’ll be taking up a special offering to support the ministry of the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home. As you feel led, please give generously to this life-changing ministry.


Weekly Update // Pastor Mike


Introducing Pastor Chris Jones